Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The 20 pound mark has been passed

So, yes, I've lost 20 pounds. And, since I only talk about what I eat sporadically, I thought I would sit down and make a list of things that I do and do not eat, exercises I do, and everything else that has led me to lose twenty pounds, because, after today, I'm changing things up (maybe not the food part, I think I need that to survive).

1. If I go out to eat, I check the restaurants website for calorie information, and that's how I chose what to get. I only eat half of the serving given, if that. You would be incredible surprised at how many calories are in food at restaurants.
2. I only drink water. If I'm feeling extra proud of myself, I might drink a diet drink, but those really aren't that great for you, so I generally just drink water.
3. I eat fruits and vegetables every day. If you like to eat a lot, then eat a lot of that stuff, because, I don't know if anyone has told you (I certainly had no idea), but those babiez are low CAL.
4. I pace myself. I take a bite of something and take a few gulps of water. Doing this makes me full faster.
5. I don't eat white grains (white bread, white rice, white that even a grain), potatoes, or fried foods. I started doing this later, though. I had to wing myself slowly off of it, or I would have turned into a fire breathing dragon.
6. I don't eat late. I try not to eat after 7 or 8, but if I do, it's fruit.
7. I exercise almost every day for 30min-1hour. If I don't, I at least do ab work outs and lunges with hand weights.
8.I read labels on almost every food I consume and, yes, I still hate math.
9. I don't generally eat cheese, but if I do, it's the VERY low calorie, low fat kind. a.k.a, the kind that tastes like nothing.
10. I think of something disgusting every time I think I want food that isn't good for me.

And that, ladies and maybe three gents, is pretty much exactly what I've been doing since the beginning of February. I am not going to lie to you, the first week I started this was horrible and all I wanted was to eat everything and anything. Since I'm still not yet a success story, I can tell you I definitely have motivation issues and I have to work on my self control every day, but I know one thing for sure: I'm not giving up on this. I'm expecting a lull in the weight loss after this week, and I know that discourages me beyond belief, but it's okay.

Training for the 5k has proved successful so far. I'm on week 2 where I walk 5 minutes, jog 2 minutes. It takes a lot of willpower for me to actually jog 2 minutes without hitching a ride from a nearby car and going home.

Oh, and I'm giving up chocolate for lent. A warning to those of you that have to be around me. My birthday is in 6 days and my favorite bday cake is a reesies ice cream cake. I can already feel myself turning into a grizzly bear and storming downtown.

Love and grizzly adams,


(Matthew) Scott Rose said...

I love you.

Unknown said...

wow, seriously. this is impressive. that is really awesome!

2legit2quit said...

i love you, too cousin-in law!

and thanks, alex! : )

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