Saturday, March 5, 2011

Michelle just got serious, ya'll

I'm not going into too much detail, but I've already lost more weight since I weight myself, so


Anyway, moving on. Mom and I did 5k training in the pouring rain today. It was pretty crazy. My glasses were so weat that I didn't see the large puddles I was drenching myself in until I felt it on the back of my badunkadunk. Mom did really well, though. She never complained or asked to go home, even though she was drenched.

On a more serious note, it has recently come to my attention that there are those out there in world who view people overweight as "lazy" and that they should not blame genetics or parenting. I'm going to speak for myself here and say that yes, I'm overweight, but I am by no means lazy. There are several contributing factors to a person being overweight that have nothing to do with that word. There are differences in every person's body, so it is completely obnoxious to establish a blanket statement on overweight people.

Top 3 reasons not to piss off an overweight person:
1. we can sit on you, stupid.
2. in wrestling, we would probably win...and make you look stupid.
3. we can lose weight and feel amazing and realize how little you matter...and find a way to make you look more stupid.

I'm sorry for my Shant (Charlie Sheen rant). I'm just a little tired of being ridiculed, aren't you? Let's do something about that. We should all be supporting each other, not bringing one another down.

Love and a motivatin'


mimiTa said...

Loved the 3 reasons not to piss off an overweight person

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