Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Never too old to notice a butt like that

So, this morning, I had an exciting start to my day. I've lost 8 pounds since I started this a week ago! I now that it won't be that much every week...as in, it probably won't even be NEAR that much every week, but I'm enjoying the moment.

My awesome friend Letty helped motivate me into working out yesterday when I really didn't feel like it. It was rainy and cold outside and I had planned to go to the gym, but once it came time to, I just didn't have it in me. So, she told me about these work out videos on Netflix instant play. It's not like a library full of work out tapes, but it's got a few good ones. The one I did was called Fat Burning Pilates and I thought,"Yeah, okay, but I'll probably not get enough from it and still have to go to the gym."

uh...no. I was mistaken. I could hardly move my legs this morning. But it was pretty awesome!

Today, I finally got an elliptical machine with an hdtv attached to it. It probably sounds sad how much I enjoyed having that one, but I stayed on it for almost an hour and the time went by really quickly. When I was done, there was a trainer talking to a girl in front of me and he was like,"Okay, let's do some stretches!" So, they start stretching and all you can hear is him going,"Ahhh...that's it...oh yeah, that's a good spot, right? oh yes." I let a few giggles escape and the old woman next to me goes,"Oh Lord, give me a trainer like that one!"

And that's the end of my post today. You're welcome.


Unknown said...

i approve of this message..
and this is caroline.

and i'm very proud of you and your sis! you're inspiring everyone, myself included, to be healthier and more food-conscious. we're gonna have to help each other out with avoiding queso.

also, i sadly realize i will never get a 6 pack. that's just extremely wishful thinking. but i really really want and need to stick with quitting smoking, so that can be my number one motivation for exercising more. if i slip up, i'll eat the old shrimp too.

are you free to work out friday?

The Macons said...

NO QUESO!!!!! Or else old shrimp will follow...

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