Saturday, February 5, 2011

Step 1-Admitting there's a problem

My name is Michelle and I am a foodaholic. I'm 21 years old, in college, and muffin topping my pants.

The following is a list I have compiled showing the factors in which I have diagnosed myself:
1. I eat when I'm bored
2. I eat when I'm sad
3. I eat when the TV is on
4. I eat when I'm mad
5. I finish my plate NO MATTER WHAT.
6. I give pmsing as an excuse to eat multiple chocolate deserts.
7. I sneak food from my signifcant other (I even say I haven't eaten dinner when, yes, that last snack from Zaxby's probably should have counted).
8. When someone eats in front of me, whether I've eaten or not, I froth at the mouth like a rabid animal. 
(tune in for more on this list as it develops)

I stepped on my handy scale last Sunday afternoon thinking,"I highly doubt I've gained THAT much." Oh, how the scale can be such a stupid beyonce*.  So, on Monday morning I woke up determined (and a little doubtful) that I could lose weight my own way. And, unfortunately for my addiction, that's what I plan to do.

Me on the left, Laura on the right. Thanks blender for hiding the gut
First things first: a plan. The one thing I know for sure is that no commercialized diet has ever helped me cure the itch. Sure, they might have worked for a few months, but after I would lose a good amount, I felt it was okay to "cheat". And so cheating became a long lasting affair and, needless to say, diet and I separated. I won't list any names as I'm sure there are diets out there that work for different people. I commend you for this as I am immensely jealous of you, but lend an ear (or an eye) and hear me out. A diet may be a good solution to lose weight, but is it something that, after weight lost, is long lasting? What I need is not a diet, but a lifestyle change. A lifestyle of portion control and calorie counting (and skinny jeans). I won't dare to limit myself and what foods to eat, but when I crave food that I gain weight just looking at, I will only have a small portion of it and move on. Oh, and one more thing, I won't eat after 7.
Technically, my day 1 was Monday, but seeing as how I don't actually feel like writing down everything I've done or eaten, we'll call this Day (blog) 1. This morning I had a bowl of oat meal with milk at around 9:30. Around 11:45, I had little pack of peanut butter crackers. I went to the gym and burned over 600 calories, played basketball with a friend, and had a 6inch veggie delight from subway.These are really good with mustard and light mayo if you need the mayo. It's about 230 calories and tastes like a salad in a sandwich.
The only drink I've had in the past four days is water. I know that it's not the only thing out there, but it's easy, free, and comes right out of the sink. Now, even though I did get a bag of baked chips, I felt too full to eat them, so I'm saving them for another time.

As for how I feel, I feel great. I have a lot more energy, I pee a lot, and it isn't quite as hard to suck in my stomach. But, here's the thing, I have a very old track record of starting things and quitting them shortly after. So, my biggest plan is to not think too much into this, but take it a day at a time. Let's not beat ourselves up over one day of indulgence, but celebrate it by working a little harder the next day.

More to come tomorrow and feel free to share your plans!

Beyonce* is a word I've come to use in place of the B word. Pay close attention to more slang since I'm a huge fan of it.


The Macons said...

Way to go girls!! I am on board, starting weight watchers this week :)

2legit2quit said...

that's awesome! keep me updated on how you do. there's this recipe for weight watchers soup that i used to have that had 0 points that i ate all the time. i'll have to see if i can find it again

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